Friday 27 January 2012

stress, relaxation and Cognitive therapy

Our thoughts and feelings are two things that can affect our stress levels. Our feelings are reflected by our emotions so unfortunately we cannot control them. Our thoughts on the other hand, can be taken under our control but with it takes practice and awareness..

did you know?
we have 45,000-60,000 thoughts a day.  75- 80 % of these thoughts are negative for the average person. We would never let someone else talk to us the way we talk to ourselves.  Most of these thoughts are critical, judgemental, and they shame and blame us. The more stressed and depressed we become the more these thoughts increase.

Cognitive Therapy deals with the effect of these thoughts on us.
1. It is important to recognize and be aware of self criticism, distortion of reality in our minds.
2.train our focus on the present, rather than being lost in our heads. focus on our senses ( deep breathing, hearing with our ears, our feet, opening/ closing your fists)

Methods of stress reducers/ basic relaxation  techniques
- deep breathing - pay attention to each breath while inhaling/ exhaling.
- meditation- helps us tolerate points of discomfort/frustration. and makes us understand that we can go through with it/ we are able to deal.
- talking to someone about stressor
- writing
- relaxing music

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate you taking the time to share the information. Blessings.
