Sunday 4 August 2019

Chelsea Handler- open about sex but dismissive of sexual assault

I remember when I first read Chelsea Handler's book, I was impressed how open she was about her sex life and one night stands. I absolutely loved it.  However listening to her shows and reading her books overtime, I've found her to be quite immature and dismissive of other peoples' experiences. She uses far too many jokes about 'rape' and 'sexual assault' in a casual context, dismissing the severity of it. Women who have come forward about having a negative experience, she states that it is not sexual assault.

"In defending Mr. Franken against numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, Ms. Handler admitted during an interview with Buzzfeed News that she’s grabbed people’s genitals “many times” in photographs before and didn’t think that should be considered sexual assault."

For me even the above statement, seems inappropriate. People need to recognise and respect boundaries. I understand she may have done things with humourous intent, and her actions possibly werent taken the wrong way. However I think it's better people just refrain from what would be considered personal boundaries. It allows  rapists and sexual abusers to use the same excuse and therefore dismissing an experience.

Link for the rest of the article I was refering to below.